Saturday, April 26, 2008

Earth Day Celebration

As we all know, Earth is everybodies concern. As we face yet another crisis which is called as the global warming. in this kind of crisis all of us living is affected. To help the world heal. If I can do it, I will make a technology that is powerfull enough to shutdown all the technology of the planet while important technology like the computer and the phones is not affected. If thats possible, but for a normal student I can only save energy by stopping myself to download useless movies, files, and programs that takes time to download. And as a normal son of God, to appreciate his creation which is this world. I will be planting trees to help inhale more carbon dioxide. But all of that will only be effective with a prayer. So I give my faith to God that he can and would help us as his children who is living in this world. Because for miracles only faith and prayer is an option.

1 comment:

krislam07 said...

Faith is never an option, it is a requirement.!!!...