Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"A Favor"

I call this vectorized art a"A Favor" because I made it because my friend asked me to.Its for is project,I know that its wrong to do projects for others but he was fighting time so i helped him,and also another reason is because that certain friend is good to me often(only often),Like making me laugh,smile,enjoy, and specially BE ME!!! and even though we don't talk often these days...He will always be in me...(I hope will not read this...)...

This is a vector image I traced, It looks a lot different from the original because it is different(LOL). The reason I did this vector is because of a very close friend of mine. I always call him "PANDA", I dont realy know but i realy feel attached to that person and you can see his name on the vectors shirt. Maybe because he treats me like a real friend. And even though he will not accept this art... I still apreciate it forever simply because, I apreciate and respect the who this art is for..panda...

My Glass Heart...

"My Glass Heart"
Is one of my photoshop creation and the latest...It has a poem on the left side of the image saying "Sitting with the pain...Hatred corrupts my mind...Everything's so unfair...And realizing that...There is no love song for me...". Sounds pretty emo, but we sometime become emo ourselves...As for this art. It shows the present status of my heart...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

" xxxHOLIC"
A two DVD OVA has been announced for xxxHOLiC. The first DVD for this OVA will be released on January 16, 2009 with the 14th Volume of the manga. Another two DVD OVA which will crossover with this one was also announced for the Tsubasa series. Its first DVD will be released in February of 2009. It is not known if the OVA will continue on after the Himawari story arc to the next story arc, or if it'll be an anime-only ending.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Bloggers’ Choice Award

I voted that blog because it was so interactive, from its url: his blog is interactive in a way that you know more things ahead of other people. It provides information to us IT students. And it helps us find some ideas to make our blogs better.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Shiki Tohno"

according to a website known as bestbuff( , Shiki Tohno is one the best black haired anime character with only one vote. But as for his skills which was included as one of the top 10 most deadliest ability of all, which is to see lines in which if disconected will dismember the body or an object.

(Blog post Aug 25-29)

Friday, August 8, 2008